Page 17 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 17

as addresses general safety and damage I‘‘‘ _‘ _
prevention lhal can apply to a11 raenmes. -., ‘
Teletommunitalinnsa elettrit, waler and " s \ ‘ J ,
nther utility lanes nnen traverse same type - / .' __ 1

of walerway. -_ .1 .


T1-sis nne hour nnnne training has seven 17) ".« I . » r’ —
trainingseclinnsllmal can he compleled at ~ J 1' L3 ': ,.

dilferenl an:erva1s—s.n a desktop, laplops  .‘ . ‘

phone or nn;sn as on a tablet. whatever :_ ’ " -, , V
filsynur1ifesIy]e.T112u'ainingcnversOne . ..- -'-- N:
can, pmjert planning personnel rules‘ '- , . 3’
sesnsnnnaeaunn, liming, marking. tnleranre H 3 ‘ - ' / ,
zones and emergency response. The - ‘

training is FREE for [112 firsl 500 users 4

and only a nnennae $5 administrative (ee Qd .-,'
afterwards. All tontrzttors and pipeline . .»
personnel engaged in Inaxine conslrutlion, .
pipeline safely or related aclivilies should

tonsider Ihis online Iraining as a valuable

resmlrte when wnrking neas underwater

pipelines. Closing gaps in all aspetts of

damage przvenlion gets everyone closer to

ZERO accidents!

Download “Working Safely Near

Underwaler Pipelines" Best Prattices

Guide and Tip Card for FREE at www.


Tn regisler for the online training at _

Damage Prevenlion Academy: enter in use

URL: I71Iys.'//pagemlptz.m1imng/mmo—reg/ _ ,

Dr find me online training link at www.

camogmuporg. . . .

Heoammanded Best Pmmoes Guide .

For sncn-e into on joining CAMO or 1.3. kw
questions conlatt Ed Landgraf, Chairman 5 350031531 '0' “"1099 PFWHWO" . .. 4 ————--~

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2020 Issue 2 Alubamasll .15

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