Page 15 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 15
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Call Before'You Clear
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s a iesnlt til the unprecedented you clear" In eeniitni dial a cross lnne
COV[D1g pandemic, many dues net exist in Ihe sewer line that is to
Americans ire working innn lie eleased.
lmme and making ltealtlt and .
""P°‘ 3” “”‘P"'5 P°°P"’ "?"“3“.‘ "‘° instaflged dnrangh nntnaiked sewer g Y
sptead ufgerms,bulscImelndlv|dIIa]s laterals Cmsbommh dmmm
are nal propelly disposing of Ihe wipes I ' I‘ . I‘ h’ .
and are flushing need wipes instead uf 1”’ "f‘’''‘ S ‘E Y"""‘ ""‘ ‘ 9" ‘”““‘
disposing eitlieni in the trash. ““*“""5 ““ “"“’“>
This is leading tn sewei blockages 9°“. 5°”; ‘:i“""""’l1>'l""i“"‘ “‘}f“"
across tlie us and increasing the risk ‘“ ““‘““"‘ “b 51”’ f“ 35”‘ 3‘.
of":cti1mIing"exisling cmssbures. §‘%{d§a"W ha‘ “I” “j.“‘°;jf“"‘°
Nzwspaperarticles qnulingv-ale: and “I W °' gm "-Eh §;'°“=
sewei hoard elficials lions New Ymk ‘i‘““:1h“"“‘:f "k'z’““ "l““‘h " E’ “‘
to Los Angeles: nan. Miami In San 3:" f“ M 9;» Pg“ =§= ‘“fYl
Francisco are reporting higher drain ‘ “"59 ” "59 "‘ "3" “'“‘ "’ la.”
cleaning activity in laterals and even in '" ma‘: ‘““”“ ‘°l 9‘; 3 5"1'i"°’t;"‘f'h '5
Ii you are a ulility receiving Ihis line.
pnblicaliun, please censidei providing cm: bum m an impmam
Y°“"““°‘“"“"" 5*‘? """“‘5"’ cnnsideratianeve da but es eeiall
‘Avoid flushing disiniectant wipes and . 1|. . f .’.” Yd I‘ . E d’
dispuse tnese types of wipes in waste "-1 '5 '-mi gdfr-=‘= 3-‘ pg ":2"
bins!" ll you are an exnavamr, especially :;l“i':"::‘f:m nclvifi ::“s‘e::"a5
out gieatplnmliet friendsxeceivinglllis ‘he mi miblzthin to am .
publication. please censidei and share P° E
witl. yum asseeiatiens ta "call bereie
2L72o,lssue2 Allbnmnsu .12