Page 18 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 18

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lsad a sall use ouser day ls-orn house or oleee building (lseeause llood Likely Proha1>iliIy- §’otantial- How do
a customer wlno was smoking is flood — personal or lsusiuess) is nol you ever fzel secure?
snad — lsis lsouse got llooded ina in a flood zonfr use lsaulr is not going so when you are talking about (WHEY
ralnslorm, and lnsagenllold lssrn s-enusre flood lnsurance.Thalsr|g1w(——I[ WM on” m, mm immmedsn
il wasnl eoyeredl rlse address (or wlniels une loan is for hmiig whfys a‘vaHa>h1€ U, En 0, only
NDPE’ Probably Wm L happens {B be Dulfidfiof a “high risk’ wlsai you have to get? If you jusl ask
Z°“°a Y“ "W" *3‘ ”‘*W°’d5 F1°°d about what you have In lwavsto sarisly

You see it on TV all llne Iimz: lses-e lnsuranee requiresnenis." ‘hm loan dosing mpmmEms' you *m
‘°'““ 3 “E “‘i“' """‘" “mad” d°"’“ Using ilse stenario alsoye jusl heeause nc-I going to know What you muld haw
3 “"3” hi" "“1“““ ""3 "°“5‘“~ "‘“’“€" use lsanlr doesn'I require is doesn't ruean we protect tlnar large invzstn-ant you arr
use from yards. aes-oss use street and you Wm” wish you had it a‘ some Pom 31,0,“ U, ,mk€,

into use nesn lrosu yards. \’Valzr [laws W d°Esi|mEan“DDdm,lha 2“ to ‘

down like Niagara Fal1s—()K, rnaylse our m m “M zones dgafimh UnlessFEMraciuirasimhzhank.
nolrlsalsnuels.lsuienouglslo.soiiee,— fl ”b"h,1.{' H" . R d d Whoaalsvmas1>-gahum/asyc-nara.
enough to waslu out your yard. [I gels ‘E P” 3 “ Y ° "“""g °° ""“g“' dozsrft tar? Wlwllwr you gal flood

into use lwouszsy usually in a new FEMA elassiees risk lsy using usree jnsuranca AND nnless Flood Insurance
subdivision, and lseres use newscaster overartlwing llood aones lsased on use as for a loa-a_clos-ngnyou re gonna have
luolding a mit in from ol a lsorneowner likelihood of flooding in that area: a 30 day wan to gal It an.vWa.v- T1~av'I'a
who's saying, ‘And insuranee won't pay , . . a 101 mm int?-‘E51961 in P1'°‘“‘i“E

[0, ms, 1 am km, wha, Wm ping ‘*1-glmslklfr 5lI3f“3]VF£°‘°l'd ldiazard ilneir inieresls (useir eollaieral) Ihan in
1,, do_" mastfmalrti  HIT; mm:-3’ Zm gxnecllllg yous. mleresls. Thais up to
\VhaI kind of iusus-auee doesn'I cover v is use most lnaaardous flood zone. _ _ _
(land? and it is usually lound in lseaslnirosu Eheap msura-we as not cheap» Bit at

_ . 1

ayaarnsa and d:;::::;;;",;;::;;:i:::;,“;;;:;;'
cuvzr flood. lusaeo.n,slelely separate - lvloderaiesislr areas are zones B Wm W“ Md ,1 cmmi

policy — and llwals use only risk it and x. * V

does eoyer. Flood is never”inc1uded' . k _ . d Your llc-In-aryour bus-nass propany —
in 3 ,mmE,,W,,m,_.P,_,Pmy PDIW ' Lvwm aaaasm 10-195 L an X» ilnavs what you worlr all your lile Io
Ever. -rise only placz to even gel Flood Obviously, use neas-er you are In water, have and ‘3“J°)’» Tim is not the place to
lnsus-anee is use Federal Govenssnenr. use lilrelier you are to havz water bargain hum-

Your agent. of eourse. is wlnere you damaging you1'propeny.Tl1efur‘l1wer A‘ has‘ hm yam. aw, Explain WW5
aPP1Y’°'“- away you am‘ from Wat" * rvaallm ayailalsle Io you In protecl eyesyrlning
wlses-e to start? wlno's al lauli? wlso lo "'Y’fi'[P°“;i1"‘_‘;"‘d3"“ ’ ‘h“1°5:i1‘k"]yy°i: you Va got!

blame \Vl lavz oo amage.Bu( uni en e V

word ”1ike]y" lull you inro a lalse sense Let the fans help you decade» 53
L21’: "blame" use hank. -nsey rzquire of security. 1-lses-e's N0 area tolzlly ls-ee
firz insuranee, don't Ihey? But. if use of use potential for flood.
15 . iiaoanaasi 2020 !ssu:2

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