Page 19 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 19

Nulca to Lead on Safetg,
Enhanced Communication W°U'd Y°“
Restrictions Eased 5 cents
ulca, the nation's largest advocate lor utility locating prolessionals. excavator?
works closely with numerous industry associations and organizalions
to prevent utility damages. pr-omote satety and enhance
communication. The organization is comprised ol contract locators. 33-5% 0'
in—house locators. pipeline companies. private locators. SUE contractors. 811 Magazine
vacuum excavators. regulators. one call systems. manulacturers and industry 
S"PP""5- .  
Nulca is issuing an urgent call to all damage prevention stakeholder groups tor »,=.
an open discussion regarding the most beneficial course of action for economic   
recovery. solidarity within the industry is paramount in navigating how to ‘“ ‘l ‘" '-: -:tf_ ‘t ~ 5 "
operate salely as our nation emerges out ol the excavation restrictions brought '  ’ '.~."" -“ .
on by the C0‘/‘D19 pandemic. wulca shares concern with many stakeholder
groups that lacility locators could be overwhelmed in the returning surge ol ,
proiects atter the lifting of the sIop—wm'k orders. There is also concern about
state one call centers becoming overwhelmed as excavators tlood the system ,. _
with pnslpnned vvorlr orders. it is critical to recognize that all are vvorlring ,; '-’ 5‘
toward a common goal of salety and eleciency during this resurgence of Q  —
business. (2) .
Nulca believes all stalreholder groups must collaborate in the event of a spilre Q \~ Q‘ Q
in excavation to establish optimum “best practices." For example, ohjeclive % ~ _ ‘{\
discussions on important topics such as: &, \ 
- ldentiry actions to mitigate and manage any surge in ticlrets _ V ‘
- rroactively discourage unnecessarily lar-ge or duplicate locate ,
requesls : . _
- laducate excavators and homeowners about white lining each \ @ -
iobsite and how this reduces the time to respond and mark 0
underground lines .
- identity and toster more eltective ways lor the excavators, locators K?
and utilities to openly communicate about potential issues or delays ._ 4},
some states have already begun implementing strong plans. and new ideas are ‘ ,r/ '
being communicated by various stalreholder groups to help alleviate potential
issues and obstacles. connecting all stalreholder groups to jointly discuss these
“best praclires" will positively impacl the ability to proceed with underground 2
excavation as lite gets baclr to ”normal",
communication and collaboration, in times of crisis. as well as the best or
times. will bring sale excavating and success to the entire industry. Now more _
than ever. it is important for stalreholder groups to worlr together as state one Make it happen!
call centers, excavators, utilities. locators and regulatory teams develop a
. . . 501-472-0115
strategy. wulca supports and welcomes drscussron on a plan to salely navrgate _ _ K g g_
this Po5,_pa_1dE_nk Pmd_ aaleslst a1 1 magrd1meS.L.0m
Please cclnlarl Ron Peterson, our Exerulive Direclclry by email al
zxeculil/ediI2cIaI@nu1L‘11.DIy to join the conversation. .
2020,1514: 2 Aiabunla arr . 17

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