Page 9 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 9
T: ; excavalors asses shey have eishes ioeased
”' -i“v-.-_ K , ‘ ‘ , sheis saeiiisies, oi Io give an all—c1ear
w . s, ‘‘ message shas sens she excavator ifs
n: .\ , P on so hegin digging. Excavators have
1 .- V \ pnshed ios shis dlangee as is less shem
‘ ' ‘ ‘V ‘i know shas she usilisy seeeiyed and
_ g V ‘ psoeessed she ioease seopsess and didns
4‘. ‘ a‘ sisp shsongh she esauss.
§ as _ e 1 K The amended possion of she Alabama
1 ' ‘-- . undesgsonnd Damage Preventinn Act
I ‘ is round in Szction 37s5—G(d): “Each
opesasos, npon deses-mining shas no
nndesgsonnd facility is psesens os
,r ‘- upon eosnpiesion or she marking or she
.. lotalion or any nndesgsonnd iaeiiisies,
e V % shall provide a positive sesponse wish
/, ‘ s v 1 — she infnrrnation so Alahama ass."
p ‘ ‘ neep undergmund‘ she wells seaeh
— it —' sheis gas—rit11targ2t. some or she wens
7 e ,- ‘ I V __ _ , ase dsiiied so sooo feel‘ oshess as-e 3700
e _ ——-- - ‘ " ’ _' g p 4”‘, os snose iees heiow gs-onnd. Because of
' — ,, ., ‘_ — _, “.;:,: _ ;;,' sheis depsh, shose iines aren't eoyesed
,. * , ,', I’ i ‘ V ‘ hy she one sau syssem, hns shey ssin
' have so keep an eye on shem as she can]
she iowess cnal seam so ges she gas oul. ons sheis positive s-esponse pian in she is snined.
The wases goes so sseassnens ponds next sew snonshs. in ansieipasion oi a V _
whese we aesase is and that‘: psessy change in law shas will lake eisees in Where they mine thrmigli the wells we
muth is — is hasisauy nseess drinking January aoas. P““ the humps out oi the ground and
wases ssandasds as she disehasge poins: '1 mthlhthe steel W‘ e‘ the Zener 5°
a w en e eon snnons snsnes eomes
mp opesasing pianned ahead as shey s. t V ‘ _ , shs-on he is doesns s ark," seoss said.
inssaned sheis neswos-is of gas and wases ]’t'1z;:[ht, /2 H M’ VVVE ,.§m,,Ve mg Pppfgnd coordflnme
Pipelines in the miti't93t=s and heynnd, . wish use mining companies when
snaking losasing shose plassis pipes I ‘I7 )7] F /1 ‘s’; i )1 they're eosning neas a well.‘
'““d' “S” ma" - \ 4 And iss es-isieai shas she com an s low
--rnss, pns line locate sape in every ( ./2 1 22 (I. 4 1 six I rss 31 is. neshane sines areI1sru>;)t\Ired.
diseh, even in use woods" Scull said. 3 ‘ uniiise eonsnmes-—gs-ade gas sonnd as
“We did that everywhere its the world ( i vs 2 U5 /2) 2 In M your hosne oi hnsiness shas has mllene
has enmaaehed on its * trailer parkss ‘ ‘ egg ssneiiing meshaneshioi added. she
snhdiyisions. hnsinesses, pianss, soads / (1 , ) , I 1 ) raw sneshane rtcr opesasing ssansposss
and ertaeeetviir-try pipelines — we knew a ‘J 3 " v’ e e 3 ’— is eoiosiess and odosiess — aishongh is
whese ons iines as-e. -rheyi-e nos GIS is nonrtoxit.
mapped since she syssesn dases back so :1/(})‘/(I Is’) ygw _ _, _ _
‘he .9305 and on‘ 1,“, we know wym seoss said sss smpossans shas any sssne
mu‘ wit“/‘(II/t’IfI :::,:.e::i:..“:ii::::;:.“::;:;::::i‘e°
Smtl said shey have a good working hnhhiing. os there's an unexplained
relationship with everybody in the (4 )2 :1 (><se1‘,t2 zs;su.- paseh osdead gsass in she snmmes neas
asea including landowners, mining a pipeline, eieas she asea immediaseiy
com anies and local eonssaesoss , , , . . and ean n and she i eiine eosn an .
wlmpwnrk neas sheis saeiiisies. Thas [0 N-‘t ’ /73‘ Ht (Wt 9 _ F P P y
has hyped mama," a low numb“. As SE0l(p\IY.Il,I11Ey as-e sosnewhas of a
or dasnages shsonghons use yeass, (ix (1 /1 r’) 2 sf’: 1,: i ’ eel}-ere Pee m e re‘-he‘ heie rezttleterya
as has handling sheis own on—sise _ ‘ ' W5: =5 e ":>"';f:1e't'ei"eh‘“e:_eeereer
locatin services. The work eiosei ~ » tr; " wt 3 "err re I We ex ree *0"
wish zliavalors in sheyfizld so ensn}s’e “ 0 I H " ‘ ' r"eth°d- 5'“ We the hhee teeeh the
psopes sepasasion hesween nsiiisies, and 5-trfaee and start their Journey aemss
dgmagflm mm,,_m_ Jeicesson and Tnseaioosa Counties‘ she
‘ k , , h _ d, , ‘ Posisive sesponse is an inisiasive saking eemr-hrays the one call system and the
“ .“P‘“‘9 W“ 3 °,°'“Pe“Y “e “'°" ° hold in damage pseyension eosnsnnnisies excavators in the area work together
5‘eY‘“€ “'1 ‘1“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘“E “E” °“‘e'“e‘§“ aesoss she eossnssy whese nsiiisy ownes/ to iaroteet the puhlies and critical
pseyension, PGP opesasing is selling opmmps mg a '£EssagE hack ,0 inrsasssssssssse. .
2020 issue 2 aosana ass . 7