Page 11 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 11
inspertion work ls being planned ~ II is a GIS—r2nu'it p]atform.A11 data rnaale whelher ,se.-lnrrnlng data
and monilored.T1wis provides the gene.-ateal tnrangl. the work proresses eelleetlen or tnalntenanee attivily
management n{ the organizalion wilh and data ealleetlan translerren and doulmenlalion.
full visibility across the wnrklnad stored in the tlienrgendatabase. or one .
. . . . . . ~ Eolll the Desktop and lvlalnle
and resanrse ava|]ahI1|ty: reanees lmstzd by Magnolla Elven‘/Lvm:-Cllrrenl, 1. . H U
planning tlsne significantly. avoids laaseal on lhz asset location. 3?!’ ‘°“"°'“, Pm“ 95"?“ ‘° 3 .5
nnneeessary overlapping al nmee and . °“‘"‘*"¥““°" ‘.““‘ . ° “.3 SP9“ ‘
. . ~ Through Ihe FlowGlS taslnng and gel:-graplnt loralmn, mrludlng farms
fielawarlr eflhrlsa elnnrnates dala entry . , . .
, . . senealnlrng funcuonallly. Eompllance and photographs.
dupllcauon and nlnrnately allows for a . . . . H I d I d
tlrnely resnlntlan oflhe 3.. lane location "“”“'“F 3'“ ‘“‘°"‘““‘“ Y 5‘ ‘E “ " Magnolia River as conlinually growing
. . . ,, and assigned lsaseal on regulatory . . . .
requesls wlnle savmg nrne and money. __EquimmEms and unprcIvu1g Iheu‘ tools. zxplams
Flowms is an adaptable Darrell. "The GEDCh\l‘|’EnI‘djVE1K)lfill'?Gnl
Iool that continues to !"°‘f5f‘_ ‘““'f. 15° “"5
rneet Ihe needs al its users ‘"9" .‘°’" “ ‘ ‘ Y I
in new ways. “FIDWGIS °P"““§'?‘ P"“}"“”
is modular in ils design “"5351? "‘ "”5“.“ ?:°',Jy.h.
and [an be mnfigttred to T3: ""'(“° 3‘ “" if
aaam me, was .,;.;.a aa as denslllrzs t a:t‘e
utility: such as lealr survey, °"€°“‘€ ."° ‘?P"“". °
ztmnspheric cormsion and . 4 . . . °‘" ‘°'“‘‘‘’"’‘ ‘""““".“g
utilitymain(9n3",_eE"'§ayS the tethnlllagy division of Magnolia River F1€'_W}‘13“5-§~“‘1hErlS;‘1'(-E11‘
Darrell Hand. 'T11mug11 "mg. 3" “"5 5’
tlne modular configuration Flc-wGlS . Th h h d hb _d I _ H ‘l'‘ ‘:‘’'?g 5°‘ W‘ f“:
can be an integral pan oi a utility's line k]‘"‘““f ‘.° 35 (‘ma :“°‘; “:3” l“"‘d§ °“fi“‘ 3”‘ P‘; ‘Md’
F1owGlS esters many benefits ln lae managed in real—time. dala tlnat enl.anee complianre and
regard to a utility’: mrnpliantz eflbrls , . , overall ntlllty pelfcu'mancz.' .
imludmg the Mnwingz ~ The rnnlarle applmalmn ean be
ntlllaea ln both the online and amlne
Dnmnge Pmlaction, Fast, Easy, and Accunnel
UVWTV "ENNWG ACADEMV -creme detailed cross bore lnsyecflun records
, - tntamal longing nm. cloud aata Analysis
- Real tn... alstarttan nlens
- tnaemal callhrmlen chenklng I
Lucan Dunn: nnn.s mavku sans imdas
and carmtva sysmvls was ma vLuL3rPvu
Relxwu and was Trinsmlnar
, . .-—. ,.
s v r
3 2- ‘ 1‘ N l
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gm ‘ g 3 i '
lnsmctnlp-nu: ms: bums Im«l2' na Loall wntnrluvusslml and
uDm15DVnHll hnmhwlnn Ill: rcsnnrn dlslllhulmn Mo: was man
..... mm" mm mm mm mm,
inf°@utaSear(h_(o|-“ w WORK SMARTER! Curpomfinn el-nan-=1 l::%.,..
WWW-Utasearthrom §§i1."a‘“.2’.‘1,‘é'2's‘sns., usA .§:'l§."7.i“a"a‘s‘§f.’f§a magimi‘‘@1Vmxmfl‘:m"n mm
2020 Issue 2 Alabama 511 . 9