Page 8 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 8
on might not mm on
can uuning npcmuon as :1
source of grnrn mmxg'.}2 mm
in 'Tusm|nnsa and Jclfrrsmu
Co\u\ucs. a MSI collucuon nntwork of
mm than 800 miles a; gas plprlun‘
and mmlhm 800 units U1‘ umcr Imcs
helps In bring clmxrhurmng m..n..-a
mnlwunc lo Lhc r|1crg\' marku.
\\ hen Scan llmsfmld. supcruucxnmu
orr..ca1.ucs ..m1 rnvuomnmuvll x.c..1u.
and s4I1‘cAy\>.'11h I’(}V(]pu.Iung m
Tuscaloosa. mma with the L‘omp.'\ny
m ‘gas. c\'cr\'hody thought me gas
“CNS would be m npcmuo|1|c.~'.=Al11\n
.0 H...-5.
Fnsl fox\\'.1|'d to 2010.4!!!“ Ihc cmup.m\'
Ins ham |)x'od\Ic|xIg and Lmnspnrung
gas rm more than 35 ymrs
Smn ml Ahr rolnpdny pxcdalrs
mnh..m;. 8n and am the mm mu
s\'sn-xn is mu m Ins co|up.\|1ys4Ih1I1L)
m ,..-mm mm \I1\dm'gro\1xId fnnliucs
‘\¢Vr\'r participated c\n 51110: 8:: has
In-an m cxistmtn Scan sud “\’\.'n do
‘.11 n1 mu n\\'|11inc|orduxIg bncmnsr \\'r
are so sprmrl nut um hmcr dmng
mu awn .\ lim: Iomuxlg scrvn*r “W14
gm lost on our xoML<'
mm (hycmung .1.-ms wrlls .iumLu
m 3 nwtdiuonnl gas v.'c||.hu1m.=LLw\d
ofdumngfo|'n.\lI1|'n|g.\s drpnslls in
rack‘ me, up and pump nut nMrK\'
|)|ll‘l‘I\]CU1v|l\[‘ g1\.~'fxo1x\cn1\|su.\1x\s
lllrouglmul the men.
‘Tlm total numbcx nfunfls today .5
.~'n1xm1hi1\g1|krx$5n.iullllmxc WCIT
pxobdhly 2.000 or m.I\'hc 1300 m mm
point, Stou.=a1d.“I’cnp|r have came
f|'n1x\(II111\4I. \\Ism\|m.(INc|1ns[n\'.\k|.\
..n ovrr [hm unrhl in sen 0...-
opc|'rmn1\.\1\dlc.Ixn l1o\\'Anusc
mcthmm as an rxlrrgy snurrc.'
Srnu stud .m|ak.- rcg.u|.u' nu...-..| gas.
llm xm-Llmnr found in «ml .-.-..m.\
am. 1 ronmm 1mm gm.-. which
.n..k.-.- .1 clmncr burnmg. l’nox m
VGI’ (),m-mug cnllrcung and .~'ul|u\g
(hr g.'\s,|no.\1 ml cmnpumcs \cnu:d
.I1\(l})u|'x\cdoHL|m gas om mm-‘ me
rompmlyb\u|1up.1sn'm\Is nmmlm
[WWI €”'"P“'l}’ P’ ”'1"¢‘95 319"" WW9)’ prcdominmulv
and ensums Sufi, deliveq, oftheir mm |1\f\I>r«‘! nnm: pnlypxpcs my Llmgas.
ml vu: ox h1.n»k pn|\' my \\:ucr.
‘*9! ""'”""’”°W"“ -our W ...- ..1wm Inw pxE‘S.~‘uI‘E. hm Lhr:
3”M°9“Z'"e5 V\1\1c| 1:.\|1 be up In 200 psi, Scan ma
w\‘.- haw [0 pump \\'Mm down brlnu
5. m.,m,au 2020 !ssu:2