Page 21 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 21

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A ,.en....l.l..h., Lvu»my u/u ,..,..l.n. ll/hr pruprrfy rxpuxmg llfld pmlyzllvlg /hz enn.-pg p.,.l.n.
For ynur safely here are a lew Iransmission plpellnes were installed fnreign lines. This enahles the plpellne
ee.n.nensense rules mfollow: an the early to mid1gDDsy prior In slricl Io he lnraled arms: the ROW an the
when digging on or mm a eenslnsenen rules. Many nnhese hnes lnlnse. [ts alwaysagnnd .dea to also
. . were mstalled two in four feet deep, hm mslallwarnmglapenverIh2nm1—

P'P°1“'° ‘”'5""“"“"3’ eyes the years they have been gelling melallic line for the entire width of Ihe
Cross pespendlnnlan Dr as close as clnser and closer to the surface due to right of way.

pesslhle lo 90 degrees. and mainlain emsinn. eamnneylng ln arasn. held The“ are just 3 W Examples and ‘hm
at least a Iwn fuel clearanre from the or general lamng clperallons. The

. . . . . . . . are many mare. The leamwnrk between
existing plpelmeslruclum lflrenchmg shallewllnesasesnhyenne damage i Elmmhnimns andemmhm
and Iourfiml clearanceifdrilling. eeleaenne n.aelnng duelo heavy frgws mm my be susausafe
Malnlain Ihe path and Ihe same depth eq-ila-nen|driVing °V¢rt1w1in25- M h _, Pv - - ’
. , . . . . ,. . any azar ens malenal p.pehnes run The plpellnelechnluan wlll alertlhe .h h h 1,17 k d
. _ _ . , . Hhissimmnand ng ll mug manypenp es ae ya. s
rlglnt elway. whlrlnlsnormallya exeayanenpeew n and 3 lmsmkwr damagmthg
distance elasseel on both sides enhe enenldennlyasaleplaeele move . 1. 1, b .
. . . mecan ecatastrclphmllnave
p.pehne structure. heavyf equipment across. lr_lhe1_se are 3 Pipelim fig,“ of my lmmd WW“
I I , . . . ,

The exravalion new should salely  jffiall“  ‘he 300 leel of my plllow. Thls suh]2t1 lms
expose the plpellne tn identify the exact exmafinn crew to bu“d’:m_:_‘.ms close to henne fur me. W

lnralinn and deplln el the pipeline prior is dam by “mug ‘he fine by use D,

‘° =“Y'=“"3“°" °“‘*""‘€"‘°‘W3Y Iimber metal mhuildin adin brad e

The pipeline should be prolerled at all h addgn aggwgmaufm mm" g KlIbN1gIl51A>ol1gIrls(hePre5ll1el1(/lndCED
Iimeswhileitis exposed. FEM 5 3 ofllmlly TmlnmgAcl1dImy,Blrbhlzslwtr

. . . g g ’ . zsymsampmmcmnmfielrlo/xmhly
g-2;;-ta-{ms Heggflln-l>ment cnnss.nglp, with Non- [Alf/lflvtgflvldd/l1V1flgE]1V?)(‘!!f)AIVl.FOYQMESIIDVXS
mg Metalluc mes ovcommevlls,Babculvbtrenclltdathohfiv

lvlany nfour alder pipelines are Wh . , ROW 14(lz5el1vl'

fairly shallew. Thousands of miles of puss‘! :'f::;:f:‘;:’}::E::;f“m]1i;

2020,!ssu:1 Allsmmllssll .19

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