Page 5 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 5
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LEGISLATIVE CHANGES Alaharna sits Annual operations Repnrl Ior 201g is
_ _ _ available tor download tron our website. II can he
since Ianunry 1, 2020, two 111310! changes have been In effect. {mud mud“ the Opmfim Mm“ link
I The nufiflcariun periud will now be cunsidered as 2
FULL working elays. The day ui notincation W111 no lunger
count in the calculatmn of the 2 walking rlay notice. The
notiticatton clock wlll begin at 7am an the following wnrkday. LOCATE REQUESTS PROCESSED
n The "llfe" nf a locale request wlll extend {mm 10 In
20 wnrking days which will allow tor lunger period to work January — May zvug — a7t,n45
under a valid locate request befme the lncate request will neeel _ _ _
m bz updmi Jummry May aaaa a34,g.7 .396 nee.-ease
(Nnle: Ticket late is now 10 working days instead
of ID working days which has caused a reduclion
in update locate requests. New exravztion requests
appear to he inrreasing rompamd to 2019)
There ate twn oplinns to “calling” in a locale """“"7 ’ M” ""9 ’ ‘~37’-555
request. Locate requests can he processed anline January — May aaaa — 2,005,295 — 16% Deereare
via the web penal or the tnohue applicatinn. Visit
Alabama sns wehstte at to gel mare
infurmalinn aboul these Iwo programs. New Mmbm/Mm!” mum dming mo:
Ashury water systen. Inc,
cleoelana Utililies, TIIWII or
Reglster For Our Free For: Code, I... dba Weiss
- ry G a .1 w w k .1 s B nt
web Tlcket Ent Portal a s en ates or san ewe. oa
-sq “WY “LC
nonawater water wnnlts
§_':"' ‘f: _ == 7 _ ‘ Itnndale water system
5 = 5 ; 7%‘ _ Iaeltsons Gzp water Authority
l Lends Waler Work
Mexia water Syslem Inn
‘ . Mohilitie, LLC
Alaosrns 511‘: wcta Portal gm-s you 5}! access :4 huurs a "=95" “=11 TWII 0‘
eta; ,l 7 clags a \VL'L'l-. -rnt» ust-rs wt-ta Farm! 10 H1 wIll .ql|uw . . . .
la tlatntts an the Mubtlc App well as-a tesm mun: °‘*"""'* ""“"" “"'"‘
staattt how to ttsltt» aavantagt» or this great scmcc. simply ga 12;,“ um Tm“ 9;
la Www alsu turn and click an wt-ta portal Log In and sign ’
up- to gut stsrtca luI1:l\' Quantum Telecommunicalion services
. pu,,,,M,e Elmric ,,,,_,,,
wahe. water Authorily
weaver water Departntent. city at
2020, lint: 2 Alabama 511 .3