Page 4 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 4
4 Wallace Jones - Why We Should White Line
Kinder Morgan Southern Natural Gas. Maintains a
Focus of Efficiencg. Safety and Service
6 Green Energy From Coai Country
Magnolia River FiowGlS Software Solution
Going Strong
1 0 The Advantage is Clear. White Lining
2020.1 2 .
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|?ngevCOX. Pubiisher—Anfls Mama Steele‘ Emmi
lndlvlduai aubacnpmna are avaisble
wnhoulchsvge In the arms»: scaraa
Yo subscribe go no www.aIabama enmagazmaacom
No metenal In ma publication meg he reploduned in any form
without written aonaam. Edltnnul and advertising Infonnalion oon—
tamed In this pubilcation are taken from sources considered to be
reilmle, but the publuaaxnan cannot guarantee their accuracy.
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"*“°"'"‘°" m:‘m;dj_ffA::::‘:‘;“f€e 5" “E” 9 '| From the desk of Annette Reburn
S104 Batm Len ‘F ilo da|e.Al h SSGSE.
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Published Inn: 2020
“' “Em” '‘“-‘‘‘’-'‘’‘*d- 12 Why I Wear a Seatbeit Behind the Wheel
14 First-Ever Online Training and New Best Practices
for Working safely Near Underwater Pipelines
16 Flood coverage
17 Nulca Press Release
18 What Tough 11mes Teach Us About Ourselves
20 Jacobi Perspective