Page 3 - Alabama
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 from the desk of
Annette Bowman
What Underserved Communities Really Need
The “broadband expansion” is a hot topic not only in Alabama but across the United States. With the $42 billion appropriated to this project nationwide, $1.4 billion is allocated to Alabama for continued broadband access across the state. This money follows half a billion dollars which has already been dispersed to projects already underway across our state. The Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program, normally referred to as BEAD, is expected to result in 100-plus projects in Alabama alone. Alabama is listed as number eight in the federal funds to be expended over the next five years. The question on everyone’s mind is how this is going to impact excavation projects, utility locates and damage prevention overall.
  At our Damage Prevention Summit held September 17-19, 2024, a presentation was given regarding the dollars to be granted for these projects in the coming years and where resources are available to obtain and keep up to date on them. The “Be Linked Alabama” website has been developed by the State to provide information and updates on these projects. ( This website has information on the latest news, community profiles and a map of the projects. Most importantly there
is a link to register to get updates automatically as they are distributed. This is highly recommended for especially municipalities and counites or anyone interested in being up to date on these pending projects.
With this much expansion pending, much of which will involve excavation activities, it
is vital that communication, open discussions, partnerships and planning take front and center as we move forward. Alabama 811 is actively working with the Alabama Department of Economic and Consumer Affairs (ADECA), to get ahead of the potential issues and address concerns while providing helpful and useful information to those bidding and being awarded these grant dollars.
Annette Bowman Executive Director Alabama 811
2024, Issue 2
Alabama 811
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