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CGA’s 50-in-5 Challenge: Moving the Industry ForwarLd
What DIRT data tells us
The most recent DIRT Report revealed concerning increases across key damage indicators. Excavation activity continues to increase as states work to improve infrastructure, along with a significant influx of funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Three-year modeling from 2020-2022 reveals that damages per construction spending rose 12.35% and damages per 1,000 transmissions rose 9.34% between 2021 and 2022. A regression
ast spring, the Common Ground Alliance issued
a bold challenge to the industry: reduce damages
 10 • Alabama 811 2024, Issue 2
by 50% over five years. In the year since CGA’s 50-in-5 initiative was announced, it has captured the attention of damage prevention professionals and created inertia
behind the drive for serious reductions in damages after
years of stagnation in national damage rates.
The Damage Prevention Institute
CGA’s Damage Prevention Institute (DPI) is poised to play a pivotal role in
50-in-5 by bringing true shared accountability to the way the industry functions. DPI
participation is open to all CGA members at
no cost. DPI accredited organizations have the support of leadership in
adhering to CGA Best Practices and submit damage and other
key metrics to DPI’s Damage
Information Reporting Tool (DIRT)
on a monthly basis. As this part of CGA grows, it will provide the industry with richer and more timely data.

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