Page 14 - Alabama 811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 14

Be aware Of pipeline markers
in your neighborhood
and at your worksite
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¥"“*“Y P‘P“‘_‘“°,“""F'“"‘°5 "’3l¥_“‘"1_Y nsiglnlmr and i-Wills you withfhis are helpful in lotating pipelines. they
lfnspsrl|1n;lI'lngl-ls*l:f'\\\\_;s}::"smg Vauad Important into.-maiisn Io help ii you dn ncil provide inforrnalion such as how
0°-l°r W K 9 Palm 5- Esslralns suspeci a problem in your area. Pipeline ' 1' 1, 1 -th 4 ii
l“_5P9_E‘°"31°°k‘°TP°‘Ellll§]dBIlE§lfl° takelhesafeof 131;:i::::;;:;;,;;;y;,(;,;,5I
pstsslsnss such as construct-on act-vuy Iheir infraslruttllm se.-isiisiy. which ihese markers is In identify the location
°' Sig“ °‘ S“ °‘ “‘I"l‘* leaks» T11“? inslndss pmlssllng your family. your of the pipeline genecany as an aien lo
lnspsrllvns along ll-sir_plpslin_s rm-l_ss pmpei-ty and me environment. Because iims who might iin wnrking alnng the
m in snsllrs ll-s sswrlly and mlsgr-Iy ortliis diligence, incidents are veiy i-as-e. pipniins m,,idc,, fin. another milky
ollhsirlinss» F I . 1. ml or during the conslruclion ofhmnes
orymlrsaelyplpelnesaremar _ .

Pipgiine Companies imp in mm‘ by aims gmmd signs to Pmide CII hiisinesses neachy. You shoiiia be

on a regular hasis with emergency in indiiaiim, Di iiiii, Prasiim awnrs of any Plpsllns “'l3‘_'k9T5 In your
ofiirials and work with local Emergency ,pP,.i,xi,,,m imiion‘ mmnvai cmiid g_1s-glnlsorlwod- As the ssysng goes’
responders alongpipeline iigiitsmivay and the naine and cnnlan inisnnaiisn “"°‘” Y°““"“E“‘°“5- “"“°‘*°‘_""‘1“
in case aian einetgency, sometimes omis mmpany iim Dpmiis iim narns and plnnns numbers ai-insarlnz
even ii-aining wilh iiie depaninents or Pipziim Markm may in anywhm an int Plpslms marks-‘s In sass of
hazardous inatei-ia1s iiniis. Even though iiimg iim ,igi,.,c.;,wiy (3 mil, oi iini s-nsrgsnsy»

alsslf orspillisjsxlrsmsly unlikely. _ usually ahoutzfito I50 (eei wide that Pipelinz markers are important for
flfslf mgengnlss Pr*l=lV;idsdl"l°rlhnsll°-I contains a pipslinsi or directly over Ihe saiety of the general pnhiic. it is a

l 9| MW l< Y°““’l H ml 8 die pipeline itself. These markers are {ii -1 ' ; - i '11; 11
following pages that will prepare you gene.-any yellow, hiach and tea in tolor. d:;:::, :S1'D§g5c:;:;/ azyy
imhszvenuhelildoss occnnThsir The pipeline may not followa straight pipeline signs si-iightcrwayinachei.
hops ls to sum-nus to he a sin-st course heiween markers. While markers

12 . Alabama 511 2020, Issue 1

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